This iBot is run at 5:00am every night after the ETL completion by the Administrator user. The delivery content is the first report we needed to cache. The destination for the iBot is the Oracle BI Server Cache.
Notice in the Advanced section the javascript purgeSASCache.js, Below are the parameters that were set in the Advanced tab.
The javascript purgeSASCache.js should be placed in the folder OracleBI/Server/Scripts/Common
The below is the javascript file:
outStream.Close();return output;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Get WshShell object and run nqCmd. Capture the output// so that we can handle erroneous conditions.var wshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");// Create a temp file to input the SQL statement.var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");var tempFolder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2);var tempInFileName = fso.GetTempName();var tempOutFileName = fso.GetTempName();tempInFileName = tempFolder + "\\" + tempInFileName;tempOutFileName = tempFolder + "\\" + tempOutFileName;var tempInFile = fso.CreateTextFile(tempInFileName, true);tempInFile.WriteLine(sqlStatement);tempInFile.Close();try{// executevar dosCmd = nqCmd + " -d \"" + dsn + "\" -u \"" + user+ "\" -p \"" + pswd + "\" -s \"" + tempInFileName + "\"" +" -o \"" + tempOutFileName + "\"";wshShell.Run(dosCmd, 0, true);var output = GetOutput(fso, tempOutFileName);// Remove the temp filesfso.DeleteFile(tempInFileName);if (fso.FileExists(tempOutFileName)) {fso.DeleteFile(tempOutFileName);}// Check the output for any errorsif (output.indexOf("Processed: 1 queries") == -1) {ExitCode = -1;Message = output;}else if (output.indexOf("Encountered") != -1) {ExitCode = -2;Message = output;}else {ExitCode = 0;}} catch (e) {if (fso.FileExists(tempInFileName)) {fso.DeleteFile(tempInFileName);}if (fso.FileExists(tempOutFileName)) {fso.DeleteFile(tempOutFileName);}throw e;}